Skies of Glitter

When you think of beautiful scenery your mind automatically brings up images of white sand beaches and sunsets. Paradise is usually thought of as cocktails in hollowed out fruit, massages, tropical islands and that forever sought after feeling of the sun, seeping through your clothing. What you don’t think of is mild frostbite, 3 layers of clothing and bruises. Yet strangely that is the exact way to describe Niseko. Feet upon feet of brilliantly white snow, covering perfectly thatched wooden chalets.

The mountain sits opposite a volcano so no matter where you stand, sit or ski you’re surrounded by untamed views,  disappearing into the clouds. Strangely enough, in spite the persistant freckling of snow, it’s the sun that makes the near impossible to fully open your eyes. Sunglasses seem a strange accessory to an extremely unflattering rental helmet and wader style salopets but I guess the ability to see is more important than embracing the fashion goddess within. Being a trendy skier is a lot more difficult than Kylie Jenner’s instagram makes it look.




Yet despite all this it isn’t until sundown the true beauty is revealed. The mountain is lined with floodlights and they light up the entire village, a soft haze that makes the snow glitter. The gaggle of children leave and the slopes are empty but for a few hardcore skiers and the odd beginner, us included, taking advantage of the lack of living obstacles.



A genuine winter wonderland.

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