A New Low

So when we first came to Japan we were staying in what I can only describe as a squat. It was reminiscent of uni days: a single bed, a desk, toilet and shower pretty much in one room. Not ideal for a newly married couple, especially when you take the heat into consideration. Most nights we’d end up top and tailing in a desperate attempt to create some distance. Cuddling’s not as romantic when you have to peel your arms off each other because your sweat’s glued you together. It did have its benefits though… Internet. High speed, free internet.

Our new place is great, 2 rooms, big kitchen, double bed and even a tatami room, complete with sliding doors and bamboo flooring.



All the mod cons of Japanese living, except one thing… Internet. If I’ve discovered one thing about myself since being in Japan it’s that I can go longer without water than I can without internet. I now have a swanky new smart phone so luckily the addiction’s being fed. I must admit though, sitting outside the supermarket hijacking their free WiFi was a low point…


So as it turns out Japan isn’t quite the Technology Wonderland as it’s sold in the UK. I’ve been in my new flat now for 3 days and we still don’t have any internet. According to the Japanese man who came to install the internet it’s going to take another 2 weeks. So now I’ve been forced to sit on the street outside the supermarket, stealing their wifi… Welcome to Japan
